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Our patented process elminated all matching token files on IoT devices by utilizing instruction level metadata.
Without passwords, hackers can not gain access to a device.

...a revolutionary approach in security

Over 80% of all system breaches are from compromised credentials. In IoT that number is closer to 90%.

With 31 billion IoT devices estimated to be in service by the end of 2021 there is a huge threat potential in all sectors utilizing these devices.

The reason passwords are insecure is because credentials are static. A bad actor can steal and use static credentials while device can't detect the legitimate from the fake user.

Passwords are the most common use for authentication, consequently passwords are the most common point of security compromise.

The Solution

Our patented process eliminates the use of password credentialing on secured devices. Our technology foundation amends processes that starts with the modern digital age instead of building on existing data layers which have only increased data insecurity.

In our system every command is verified independently before execution. We validate the command not the user; there is no requirement for static credentials. Thus a bad actor can't, anticipate, or reuse previously verified commands.

Without credentials rogue agents are simply locked out.